What is DBT?
Our Online Counsellor specializes in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (dbt) as it was originally developed by Marsha Linehan in 1993 to treat unremittent suicidal ideation and Borderline Personality Disorder (Meygoni & Ahadi, 2012). It is a subset of CBT and incorporates similar cognitive and behavioral strategies.
In research studies, Linehan and colleagues actively recruited the most severe, highly suicidal clients from their local areas and hospitals (Linehan et al., 1991). Through the development and teaching of this therapy style, they saw a dramatic drop in depression levels and the majority returned to normal functioning.
DBT is a flexible therapy modality which is why its perfect for online counselling services as it can be done both in group settings and through individual sessions. And it contains four modules, each of which, "contains everything necessary to carry out one specific aspect of the desired treatment" (Linehan, & Wilks, 2015). This can make it a helpful addition to eclectic therapy approaches.
Key Take Aways:
It was developed by Marsha Linehan to treat unremittent suicidal ideation and BPD.
Can be done in two therapy Settings both, Individual or Groups.
Modules contain one specific aspect of treatment.
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